World Kindness Day 2020

Today is World Kindness Day. In this crazy world we are in right now after months of dealing with covid and cases rising in the US, it seems fitting that this day falls on Friday the 13th. It is 2020 after all.

This day promotes the importance of being kind to one another. Today more than ever this seems like something we should all be doing every day not just today.

A few years ago my mom told me something that my grandpa said to her about me. He said, “She’s so good it hurts.”

I am very kind hearted. Probably to a fault but perhaps that’s one of the reasons why Evelyn Henson’s confetti hearts wall is my favorite mural in Charlotte. Sharing a message to Be Kind is one of my core beliefs. Perhaps this is why I love dogs so much and their unconditional love.

Here are 5 ways you can be kind today:

  1. Pick up the phone and call someone you’ve not spoken to in a while. A friend or a family member. Who is the first person who pops into your mind? Call that person today.

  2. Do something for yourself today. Workout, meditate, splurge on lunch (and support a local restaurant while you’re at it) or whatever makes you happy. Be kind to yourself.

  3. Take your dog for a walk. Let him sniff. Let the walk be about him… not about your time schedule. Be extra kind to him today.

  4. Support a local business. With covid cases on the rise, many small business owners are probably worried about what this means for them. #supportlocalsmallbusiness

  5. Say something to nice to someone today. Go out of your way to compliment them or thank them. This could be a server at a restaurant, a vet tech, your spouse. Someone that you might take for granted…. make them feel special today.

Today I believe I’ll spend some extra time loving on Moose and Molly. They’ll love it.

#worldkindnessday #confettiheartswall #charlottenc #charlottencphotographer