The Importance of Photographing Your Older Dog

“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.”

To me, there is nothing better than the love of an old dog. That feeling of knowing that he counts on you, that you’ve earned his trust, and that he loves you.

This is one of the best feelings in the world.

For me personally, I need to have a way to honor and remember him forever and that’s through photos. There’s no such thing as too many photos, right?

Following are images from several senior sessions I’ve had this year.

Some of these clients hired me because they’d just received an unwelcome diagnosis.

Some of these dogs have cancer. A couple of them were very sick.

When I’m photographing any dog, I always want the dog to be comfortable and I want the dog parents to understand that their dog is under no pressure to perform.

I’m going to do the best job I can to take photos of their precious dog that they’ll cherish forever. This is especially true for older dogs.

I included a blooper too. Pippa either didn’t understand the assignment or she didn’t care. LOL I’m guessing you can figure out which one she is.

Sure some of them are a lot more gray than they used to be. But don’t you love them the same? Or maybe even more than ever because of the bond you’ve developed over the time you’ve spent with them?

I always try to capture all of the love that our dogs give to us and I know every single one of these clients is so glad they did this.

This is a blog circle and our topic this week is older dogs. Next up is Sharon from Canovas Photography shares captivating images of senior dogs enjoying life to the fullest. Be sure to click the link at the bottom of each post to make your way around the circle. You’ll end up back here when you’re finished. I am expecting some very sweet, sweet faces.

Kim Hollis2 Comments