International Day of Veterinary Medicine

If you are here, I’m guessing you’re an animal lover. If you’re like me, when you were a kid you probably had dreams about becoming a veterinarian when you grew up.

I always dreamed of working with animals but I quickly figured out a couple of reasons why I would never become a vet. My grades in biology weren’t good enough to get into vet school and my heart wasn’t strong enough to deal with losing the ones I treated but couldn’t save.

Today is International Day of Veterinary Medicine.

If there is a vet who has made an impact in your life, reach out to him or her today and thank them. I am grateful every day for the ones who have treated my dogs.

This is Dr Wininger, VMD, MS and he is a Neurologist and Neurosurgeon at CARE Charlotte. I met him when Molly was having hip / hind end weakness issues last year.

You can follow him on Instagram at @animalneurodoc to see some of the amazing work he and his team are doing. You’ll also see his own dog Brae make an appearance on his page occasionally too.

Here’s a shout out to all of the veterinarians who work to provide the best care to our beloved four legged family members. We appreciate you so much.

Kim HollisComment