Dog Friendly Bars in Charlotte Where You Can Celebrate St Patrick's Day 2021

dog friendly bar Olde Mecklenburg Brewery
Charlotte NC dog friendly bars to celebrate St Patrick’s Day

Where are the best places to hang out in Charlotte on St Patrick’s Day if you want to bring your dog?

Charlotte has a ton of dog friendly bars that have outdoor patio spaces that allow dogs.

St Patrick’s Day places to celebrate with your dog in Charlotte NC

Many of them are in the trendy, hip area of South End or nearby. The light rail runs through South End which is a great option instead of driving but unfortunately dogs aren’t allowed on the light rail unless they’re service dogs.

If you’re lucky enough to live in South End, you can leash up your pup and walk to your destination.

St Patrick’s Day falls on a Wednesday this year so while that’s not ideal, I’m guessing this year of all years, that’s not going to stop people from going out.

Remember St Patrick’s Day 2020? Life was pretty normal. If we knew then what we know now, I’ll bet everyone would’ve gone out.

I am hoping for nice weather on March 17th so that people can get out with their dogs if they choose. As a small business owner, I know how important it is that we support other locally owned small businesses. It has been a tough year for so many.

I know some probably aren’t comfortable going out yet because of covid-19 but I know a lot of people are. If you are going out, supporting the locally owned, dog friendly bars in the area is a great idea imo.

Here’s a list of a few popular dog friendly bars here in the Charlotte area:

  1. Rosie’s Wine Garden - located in No Da

  2. Olde Mecklenburg Brewery - located near South End

  3. 1501 S. Mint Street - located near South End towards uptown

  4. Charlotte Beer Garden - located near South End towards uptown

  5. Sycamore Brewing - located near South End towards uptown

If you have a favorite spot to go with your dog that I didn’t mention, please let me know. There are so many here in Charlotte, I know there are plenty that I’ve not been to yet.

One of our locally based dog training companies Off Leash Dog Training started #theredbucketclub which are the red pails you see in the photos. They also hired me to do some commercial pet photography work for them in 2019 so you can check out their website to see some of my commercial work. They provide the red buckets to dog friendly venues to help hydrate all the 4-legged patrons.

dog friendly Rosie’s Wine Garden

Several of the dog friendly bars are also great locations for Instagram worthy photos. Olde Meck Brewing has the great mural in the background of the first photo above. Rosie’s Wine Garden is really a garden and it’s gorgeous with all the flowers and twinkle lights.

As always, when you take your dog out in public, please keep him and others around you safe and on this holiday known for it’s drinking, please don’t drink and drive. Keep yourself, your dog and all those around you safe.

Happy St Patrick’s Day 2021 everyone!

This is a blog circle and our theme this week is Green so I ran with a St Patrick’s Day theme.

Up next in the circle is Angela Schneider of Big White Dog Photography on adventure at Dishman Hills in Spokane Valley, WA. Be sure to click the link at the end of each post to see what all the dog photographers have to say about our topic this week.

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