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Happy New Year 2017! Here is one of my favorite songs from 2016 (which was actually released in 2015 but I didn't hear it until 2016.) I love singer/songwriter tracks. When I was flying out to Oregon in August, the plane had the option to listen to music. I listened to this whole album and I loved it. Here's a confession: I only discovered I could add music to my blog last week so more music may keep playing after this track. Press the red play button just below on the left to hear it.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

I'm excited to see what 2017 is going to hold for BARKography and me. I spent a lot of time in 2016 learning about all things photography. That will continue in 2017. I'm going to be attending two dog photography workshops. One in February and one in May. In May I also plan to hold BARKography photo sessions in Colorado. I'm still working out those details and I'll announce the information soon. 

I will be in southern California in November. I am really excited to go back to the place I love so much and this time to photograph dogs! Huntington Dog Beach is close to where I will be. HDB is one of my happy places. Watching dogs run around, off leash on the beach makes me so happy. Being there at sunset.... I might just explode with joy!

Thinking about what I hope to accomplishment over the next year is exciting. I can't wait to see what images I create and what dogs I get to meet while doing so. I've met so many great people this past year, I truly appreciate the new friends I've made. 

Here is a look back on 2016: (and be sure to scroll down below this slideshow to see more images)

If this looks like fun and something you want to do with your pooch, don't wait. Time goes by too fast. Get in touch now to book your session.