Heartfelt Dog Photos of 16 Year Old Maggie

She’ll be 17 on June 15th, 2024.

Her name is Maggie and she is one of the lucky ones. She was adopted as a puppy and has known love her entire life.

She is her mom’s world and the realization is setting in that their time together is coming to an end. Her mom reached out so I could photograph them together and capture their sweet bond.

Here is their story and a few of the heartfelt photos I captured.

Maggie’s mom shared this with me before our photo shoot:

A few weeks before my grandfather passed away, he went to Walmart and took a photo of himself. When he gave it to me he told me that he wanted me to have a photo of him. It’s one of the single most important things that I own. I had it framed and have it in my kitchen. I feel like he’s always with me, protecting me and Maggie. I’d like to be able to do the same with a special photo of Maggie when I no longer have her. I also just want Maggie to know and feel how much she is truly loved.

Maggie doesn’t see or hear well anymore. Her mom carried her around because her legs aren’t as strong as they used to be. Their love for each was evident the first minute I met them.

Our session didn’t last long. We wanted to be respectful of Maggie’s health. I think she enjoyed the cuddle time with her mom and smelling some new smells.

When a dog shares her whole life with you, the bond is timeless. The connection is ageless The love is never ending.

This love will last both of their lifetimes.

Kim Hollis4 Comments