Night: Pet Photography 52 Week Project - Week 37

Night is the topic of our Pet Photography 52 Week Project in week 37. In the 52 week project, each week we are given a theme and we are to take photos using the theme and write a blog post about them. One of the few goals that I set for myself this year that I've actually kept is participating in this blog circle every week. I've not missed a week yet (knock on wood) and I didn't want to miss this week but I had a dilemma.  

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Street: 52 Week Dog Photography Project - Week 35

Our 52 week dog photography project theme this week is street. Many of you know that I also have a dog walking business and when I saw this theme I immediately knew where I wanted to go. Several of my dog walking clients live in a gated community that is really pretty and I thought it would make a great backdrop for this week's theme. It's one road that's a circle with around 20 homes so there is never much traffic.

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